Personal Injury Lawyer St. Petersburg Florida

Personal Injury Attorney Near St. Petersburg FL.

Personal Injury Lawyer near St. PeteRegardless of the circumstances, serious injuries in the family are never easy to handle. You probably have too many questions and not enough answers. Who is going to cover medical expenses? What about my long term care? What am I going to about work? Dan Zohar is a personal injury lawyer with more than 30 years of experience in dealing with cases just like yours.

For a Free Consultation on your Personal Injury Case, Call Dan Zohar

Dan Zohar has worked on thousands of personal injury cases involving back injuries, broken or fractured bones, brain injuries, whiplash injuries, as well as accident injuries to elderly and accident injuries to children to reach a fair settlement. Having a personal injury lawyer at your side will help you navigate the personal injury claim timeline with ease and help you focus on what really matters – recovery.

What Is Negligence?

You hear the term negligence thrown around almost on a daily basis, but when it comes to personal injuries, knowing what it means can be critical in assessing your options. Negligence is the failure to take reasonable care to prevent injury or loss to another person. But what does that mean to you?

Say you slip and fall, or get hurt in an accident caused by wet or uneven floors or sidewalks, falling products from store shelves, potholes in parking lots, or unsafe stairs or guardrails. Locations such as shopping malls, restaurants, theaters, and grocery stores are required by law to make their premises safe. By failing to do that, they’re considered negligent.

You can find many examples of negligence on the roadways of St. Petersburg, Florida. If you’ve been in a motorcycle accident, automobile accident, or a pedestrian accident, the other driver would be considered negligent if they didn’t follow the speed limit or were texting and driving.

What Should I Do in Case of an Accident?

  1. First thing first, make sure everyone involved is safe. Accidents can cause a variety of injuries, ranging from whiplash and road rash to more serious injuries, such as spinal cord injuries.
  2. Call 9-1-1. Getting law enforcement on the scene will help you prove the fault of the other person or entity, and you can use their official report as evidence in the personal injury compensation claim.
  3. Seek medical attention. Even though you might think you didn’t sustain any injuries, keep in mind that not all injuries are apparent, especially at the scene of the accident.
  4. Take photos. While at the scene of the accident, make sure you take as many photos as possible. Take photos of the scene, damages, and if you’ve been in a car accident, take photos of the surrounding intersections and traffic lights. Photos are great evidence and they might come in handy later on.
  5. Collect information. While you’re not obligated to give statements to the other party, you should exchange insurance information. Collect their personal details, as well as the name of their insurance company and policy number.

    Make sure to check if there were any witnesses when the accident happened. Ask for their names, addresses, and phone numbers as well.

Call Dan Zohar – a Personal Injury Lawyer St. Petersburg Florida

Remember, every consultation is FREE. You only pay if you get paid! Visit our areas of service to see if Dan Zohar can represent you in your case.