Frequently Asked Questions in Personal Injury Cases

If you’ve sustained personal injuries after your sudden accident, you likely have many frequently asked questions in personal injury cases that you want answers to—and for good reason. Educating yourself on the correct information regarding your case can guide you in gaining the compensation you need to regain your normal, everyday routine.

When facing any large challenge, you’ll benefit from the right assistance. In personal injury cases, you’ll need to hire a qualified personal injury attorney. Before you seek out your ideal personal injury attorney, we recommend reviewing the frequently asked questions in personal injury cases we have listed below. With this information, you’ll gain more clarity in your personal injury case and know just what to ask when you decide to team up with an experienced attorney.

What do I do after my personal injury accident?

For many individuals, confusion sets in immediately after a sudden accident occurs. There are many frequently asked questions in personal injury cases that arise after leaving the scene of the accident, such as: what do I do next?

Here are a few of our recommendations:

  • If you’ve sustained injuries, take pictures with your smartphone or camera
  • Notate the incident, moment by moment, as best as you can remember it and as soon as possible
  • Collect any witnesses’ contact information
  • Make an appointment to see a doctor as soon as you can
  • When in the above doctor’s care, ensure you receive a care plan and attend all follow-up appointments
  • Contact a personal injury attorney and follow their advice

Will my personal injury case go to trial?

No one enjoys having their case go to trial; the process can often be long and exhausting. Luckily, the majority of cases don’t even make it to trial. In fact, many cases are resolved by settlement before the trial date arrives.

Working with an experienced personal injury attorney improves the likelihood of having a strong case. The stronger your case, the more likely you are to reach an appropriate settlement.

In the instance that you do have to go to trial, your personal injury attorney is the greatest asset you can have by your side.

How much is my personal injury case worth?

Personal injuries have the potential to set you back financially…quickly. With this in mind, you’ll likely be wondering just how much you’ll receive in compensation. Though there isn’t a precise value that we can provide, you can factor in economic damages like medical treatment, lost wages, paying for home assistance, and physical therapy into your compensation amount.

Using the above estimate, you can apply a multiplier of 1-1.5 for moderate injuries and up to 5 for severe injuries. This number will account for your pain and suffering.

How long will it take for my personal injury case to settle?

Some cases can take up to a few weeks to reach a settlement, which is relatively short. However, other cases can take significantly longer than one year depending on the complexity of the case.

When working with an experienced personal injury attorney, they’ll be able to provide you with an accurate estimation for a length of settlement after evaluating your case.

How can a personal injury attorney help my personal injury case?

When proceeding to handle a personal injury case, it’s to our best recommendation that you don’t go it alone. Personal injury cases can get significantly stressful when improperly taken on. An attorney will help you handle each step of the claims process to lessen your stress and put you on a path toward getting the compensation you deserve.

If you’re seeking a personal injury attorney to handle your case, consult with Attorney Dan Zohar. With over 30 years of personal injury expertise, you’ll get the help you need in a time when you need it most. Call today: (800) 963-3311.