No one expects to be in a car accident, so it’s no surprise that most people who do end up in one are not sure what to do. While many of us may go through life without ever being in a car accident, it’s important to be prepared and to know what to do if and when it happens. After checking everyone involved for possible injuries, one of the most critical things to do is to file a car accident police report.
What is the point of filing a police report?
Simply put, a car accident police report is an unbiased third-party report of the incident. This is especially important if you file a personal injury claim because the insurance company will often ask for a police report. You can also use the report as evidence instead of relying on hearsay during a trial or in negotiations.
If you search online for a car accident police report sample, you will notice a few elements they all have in common. First, all reports need to include details such as the place, date, and time of the accident. They also include information on any damage to the car and the injuries sustained, property damage, and even weather conditions. Lastly, the report will often include witness statements, and their contact information whenever possible, and statements from each driver involved.
How important is a police report in a car accident?
Filing a police report is of the utmost importance even if you believe that you did not sustain any injuries. Remember, not all symptoms will be evident right away. This means you may start to experience symptoms later on, long after you leave the scene of the accident. Additionally, with adrenaline coursing through your system, it is likely that you won’t feel minor pain that you would otherwise notice right away.
If you carefully document your condition and file a report, it will be much easier to seek appropriate compensation. Whether the accident is minor or major, you will want to file a police report to protect yourself and your case.
How do you obtain a police report for a car accident?
Now that we have the essentials out of the way, you are probably wondering how to actually file a police report for a car accident. While some states give you up to ten days to file a report, make sure you call the police right away if you do end up in an accident. Then, ask the police officer for a copy at the scene of the accident. If you are not provided with a copy of the report, contact the police department and submit a request.

You can submit a request either over the phone, via email, in person, or on the department’s official website. Keep in mind that the report might not be available right away and that obtaining it can take up to two weeks. Another thing to be aware of is that some police departments may charge money for issuing reports. If you are having issues with getting the accident report, a legal firm or an attorney can help you to obtain it.
Feel free to contact attorney Dan Zohar who will help you and guide you through the entire process.
If you have more questions regarding Tampa car accidents, call us today on our toll-free number: (800) 963-3311.