Living in the digital age means that all sorts of facts and figures are right there at your fingertips. At the same time, the amount of unchecked and erroneous information floating around the internet is staggering. So if you were injured recently in a car accident in Tampa, Florida, you are probably dealing with many unexpected challenges, such as looking for factual information about your options. Whether you are dealing with injuries, recovery, or stress, the last thing you need is to base your potentially life-altering decisions on inaccurate information. The Law Office of Dan Zohar can help you with those decisions.
You may have questions about what to do if you have been involved in a car accident. To help ensure that you get the fair compensation you deserve and to protect your rights, attorney Dan Zohar and his team created a list of essential things you should know, specifically applicable to residents of Tampa, Florida. After all, laws and regulations can vary from state to state, and what applies to New York may not necessarily apply to Florida. Below are answers to some of the questions you may have.
How many car accidents happen per day in Florida?
The Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Department estimates that over 200,000 car accidents are reported in Florida alone. This means that the daily average is around 650 car accidents each day. That’s a lot!
What city in Florida has the most car accidents?
While data is not always accessible on the city level, according to available county-wide figures, the most dangerous county for Florida’s drivers is Miami-Dade county with over 65,500 car accidents reported in 2017. Of course, this likely relates to the fact that Miami-Dade is the largest county in Florida. In 2018, for example, 29,037 car accidents were reported in the smaller Hillsborough county, with 179 fatalities. Regardless, one fatality is one too many.
How long after a car accident can you sue in Tampa, Florida?
If you have been involved in a car accident caused by a negligent driver, there is a limit, or statute of limitations, as to how long you can wait to sue for personal injury compensation. It is worth noting that this time window varies greatly from state to state.

In Florida, the victim can file for compensation for up to four years after the date of the incident. This applies if you were in a car, motorcycle, or if you were injured as a pedestrian, as long as a car was involved. However, if you are involved in a medical malpractice case, there is a two-year statute of limitations.
What should you do if you’ve been in a car accident and don’t know your rights?
Consult a car accident attorney as soon as possible. Just because there is a time window of four years to file a lawsuit in a civil court in Tampa, Florida, it does not mean you should wait for too long. A lot of evidence can be lost over time, witnesses may forget details, move, change their phone numbers, or may become otherwise unavailable.
Contact the Law Office of Dan Zohar today to schedule your free consultation and find out everything about liability, personal injury lawsuits, fair compensation, and protecting your rights. Dan Zohar is a leading personal injury attorney specializing in Tampa car accidents with more than thirty years of experience working on cases just like yours.