Which Car Accident Injuries Qualify for Personal Injury Claims?

When it comes to roads, the United States is one of the busiest countries in the world with almost 280 million registered vehicles and more than 227.5 million drivers operating them. With so many vehicles and drivers on our roads, it’s no surprise that car accidents are the leading cause of death among healthy Americans. It is estimated that 1.35 million people die, and 20-50 million suffer non-fatal injuries as a direct result of car accidents. But how do you know which type of car accident injury qualifies for a personal injury claim? Personal injury attorney Dan Zohar can help you answer this question and others related to car accidents.

Car Accident Injuries Qualify for Personal Injury Claims

With more than thirty years of experience, Dan Zohar specializes in personal injury cases involving slip and fall, pedestrian, bicycle, motorcycle, and car accidents. To help you understand potential complications after you sustain a car accident injury, he has provided a list of common car accident injuries that qualify for a personal injury claim.

What injuries can you get from a car crash?

While injuries sustained in car crashes depend on the severity of the accident and vary from person to person, there are some common car accident injuries personal injury attorneys see almost on a daily basis.

Head injuries are certainly some of the most serious injuries and can range from mild concussions to brain trauma, causing long-term problems. To complicate things even more, this type of injury is not always immediately apparent and can be difficult to diagnose.

Whiplash, along with generalized neck pain, is another reason for car accident injury claims. It is probably the most commonly known injury and is caused by sudden head or neck movement in rear-end collisions.

Other injuries are related to trauma affecting the chest area, such as broken ribs or collapsed lungs. Ribs are fragile and even light impact can sometimes break them, which requires a longer period of rest and immobility.

Tampa Car Accident Lawyer

Broken bones and knee injuries are also common, causing soft tissue injuries, damage to ligaments, and to the kneecap. This type of injury is especially frustrating as it can make walking difficult or impossible for quite some time and may force you to take time off work.

But it’s important to remember that not all damages are physical. For example, post traumatic stress disorder refers to mental and emotional damage caused by the incident. It can surface in ways such as stress, anxiety, and depression.

How much money can you receive for being injured in a car accident?

In addition to extensive treatments, long-term medical care is often required after a car accident, which can pose a serious financial burden. You will have to cover medical bills and take care of your other living expenses.

While compensation will vary based on the details of your personal injury claim, there are certain things you should do to ensure fair compensation. For example, if you were involved in a car accident caused by a negligent driver, consider hiring a personal injury attorney like Dan Zohar. This will help you get the compensation that covers your medical bills, as well as pain and suffering and lost wages.

Car accidents can be stressful and confusing, especially if you were injured, so it is normal to have questions. Contact Dan Zohar for a free consultation and have all your questions answered by a leading Tampa auto accident attorney.

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