5 Common Mistakes Personal Injury Clients Make

Mistakes Personal Injury Clients Make

We see many common mistakes personal injury clients make, that we need to express they could hire a personal injury lawyer at no upfront cost. A personal injury claim settlement process can be a difficult thing to navigate, especially considering all the added stress you have to deal after just having been in an accident. The good news, though, is that most, if not all challenges and pitfalls you meet along the way can be avoided with the guidance of an experienced personal injury lawyer or a bit of foresight. We put together a list of some of the most common mistakes personal injury clients make and how to avoid them.

Here are 5 Common Mistakes Personal Injury Clients Make

Delayed Medical Treatment

Car crash injuries, for example, can range from broken bones, whiplash, and back pain to much more serious spinal cord injuries and brain injuries. However, not all injuries will be immediately obvious at the scene of the accident. Signs of a concussion can appear 24 to 72 hours after the head injury, so you’ll want to seek medical attention.

Delay in Getting Legal Advice

The first few days after the accident are absolutely critical for the success of your claim, and chances are, you will be bombarded by calls from the insurance adjuster and investigators. Your best bet is to reach out to a Tampa personal injury lawyer and have them handle these things to avoid saying something insurance companies will use against you.

Representing Yourself

Navigating a personal injury compensation claim can feel like walking into a minefield, especially if you decide to do it on your own. Yet, you’d be amazed just how many people think that if they’ve been injured because of someone’s negligence, they can win a fair settlement on their own. Remember, the insurance companies will come prepared and with an entire legal team.

Practicing law, particularly personal injury law, requires in-depth knowledge of laws, regulations, and other legal doctrines, as well as insurance regulations and courtroom procedures. Instead of diving headfirst into your personal injury claim without lawyers, consider hiring an experienced Tampa personal injury attorney to ensure you get the compensation you truly deserve.

Failing to Keep Key Evidence

There are a few steps you need to take after being in an accident to make sure you get the fair compensation. First, make sure everyone involved is OK, and then take photos of the scene of the accident. If you’ve been in a car accident, take photos of the car damage, as well as the glass and car parts on the roadway.

Settling Your Claim Without Obtaining Medical Evidence

Some insurance companies will try and offer a settlement right away. Remember, most insurance companies will try and offer you the least amount of money they can get away with. Will this amount cover all your medical expenses caused by your injury? What about future expenses if you haven’t finished your treatment?

An experienced attorney will not only help you understand the personal injury claim timeline but also help you assess the compensation you deserve. This is usually calculated based on the medical evidence to make sure you’re getting everything you deserve.