Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

When it comes to personal injury claims, there are a few situations that tend to be the most common. If you are unsure if you can file for a personal injury lawsuit in your situation, take a look at the most common types of personal injury cases.

Car Accident Claims

Car or vehicle accidents are the most common type of injury claim.  Any sort of vehicle including cars, trucks, motorcycles, buses, bicycles, and pedestrians can be involved in a claim.

Car accident claims can be somewhat difficult. When there is a vehicle accident there is usually complications of whose fault it was. Car insurance companies can also make it tough to get the money you deserve. While most car accidents are rarely clear-cut, rear-end accidents are an exception. In rear-end accidents the trailing driver is usually at fault.

In no-fault car insurance states, an injured individual’s options are unfortunately limited after a car accident. In these states, it is difficult to pursue a claim or lawsuit against the other driver. That’s why it is important to look into working with a personal injury or car accident attorney.

Slip and Fall Claims

Slips, trips, and falls all have potential for personal injury claims. If you become injured from debris on floors, exposed electrical wiring (and more), you may want to file a slip and fall claim.

Slip and fall claims are the result of an injured person from a slip, trip, or fall. The injured person must prove that their injury was due to the property owner’s negligence. If the property owner has failed to fix a dangerous condition resulting in an accident, the property owner may be considered ‘negligent’.

Dog Bite Claims

State laws differ when it comes to dog bites and the liability of the dog’s owner. In most states there are two main differences when it comes to dog bite claims. In some states, the owner’s knowledge of their dog’s dangerous tendencies can become involved in a case. This can also affect the owner’s liability. In other states, dog owners are subject to “strict liability”. That means, if a dog bites someone their owner can be held accountable regardless if they did anything wrong.

In dog bite claims, commonly the owner will argue if the dog was provoked or if the victim was trespassing at the time of the incident. Depending on state law a claimant must take this into consideration when filing a dog bite claim. If the dog owner has proof of provocation or trespass they may not be considered liable.

Other Types of Injury Claims

Car accidents, slip and fall, and dog bite claims are not the only types of personal injury cases. Here’s some information on a few more types of personal injury claims:

Medical Malpractice: Medical malpractice claims can occur when a patient is injured by the provision of care that falls below accepted medical standards. In this case a person may be viable to file a medical malpractice claim.

Defamation: A person whose reputation is damaged when a false statement is said about someone can be considered defamation. There are two specific types of defamation. Libel is when something is written or publicized, and slander is when it is spoken. In both cases a victim to defamation can file a medical malpractice claim.

Defective Products: What is product liability law? Product liability law refers to a seller or manufacturer being held liable for a defective product in the hands of a consumer. If a product defect results in injury the injured person can file a product liability claim. Defective products include a vehicle, drugs, food, or any consumer product. If you find yourself in this situation consult a lawyer about a product liability case.

How a Lawyer Can Help

If you find yourself in any of the situations listed above it is recommended to consult a lawyer. Working with an experienced attorney will ensure you complete the process properly and ensure you receive the best compensation.

Florida residents should consider working with one of the top personal injury lawyers in Florida. Attorney Dan Zohar  and his team at DZ Firm has 30 years of experience as a personal injury attorney. and are ready to help you build a strong claim and aggressively pursue it. Contact The Law Office of Dan Zohar 24 hours a day toll free at 800-963-3311.