3 Facts About Settling a Personal Injury Claim With an Insurance Company

If you are injured in a car accident or a slip and fall accident, it is important to know your rights and the best ways that you can protect yourself and your rights. Yet, most people don’t know much about the process, or what to expect in case something does happen. On top of that, a personal injury claim can be a lengthy process and your insurance company can be a problem.

It’s important to understand how insurance companies work so that you’re aware of what they might do when it comes time for settlement discussions. Dan Zohar is a leading attorney specializing in personal injury in Tampa, FL with more than three decades of experience. In this article, we will review everything you need to know about settling a personal injury claim with an insurance company.

Insurance companies operate like businesses

While this may sound obvious at first, it is important to keep in mind that businesses rely on profits and do everything in their power to avoid losses. As a result, the insurance company will approach your claim with one goal – to avoid paying out the compensation or minimizing it as much as possible.

Insurance Company

Insurance companies do not want to wait for you to reach full recovery

If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence then chances are that you deserve compensation for your loss and damages suffered by their wrongdoing. One of the most vital aspects of your compensation is the medical expenses that occurred as a result of your personal injury.

If you are still in recovery, then, chances are that you do not know the full extent of it. Are there years of therapy and doctor visits ahead of you? How much will they cost you?

These hidden expenses are the reason why consulting a personal injury attorney is important. Having a professional go through your case will help you determine how much the treatments will cost you and how much compensation you are entitled to.

Insurance companies settle the majority of personal injury claims before they go to trial because it saves them money in legal fees as well as court costs which are far more expensive than settling out of court. However, this fact does not mean that you should try to negotiate the claim on your own.

Insurance companies usually have an entire legal department working on the claims, or they hire legal firms to represent them. Unless you have years of legal experience, you should never go head to head with insurance companies, especially if the injuries are so severe you need to take time off work. Remember, you should be focusing on recovery, not preparing your case.

Insurance Company

Schedule your free consultation and maximize your recovery

Even if you are close to reaching a settlement with the insurance company, it is best advised to consult a personal injury attorney. They will help you calculate the actual damages and expenses, argue your case, and negotiate the compensation you are truly entitled to.

Call (800) 963-3311 toll-free and schedule your FREE consultation today to discuss your personal injury case with Tampa’s leading personal injury attorney with more than thirty years of experience in working on cases just like yours.

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