What Is the Role of a Personal Injury Lawyer in a Case

Role of a Personal Injury Lawyer in a Case

Knowing the Role of a Personal Injury Lawyer in a Case may help you decide to pick up the phone contact one. If you or a loved one has been injured due to negligence or careless acts by another person, company, entity, government agency or organization, you’re more than likely to have a lot of questions. Who is going to pay your medical bills? How do you make sure the responsible person accepts responsibility and pays the compensation you deserve? You might even be considering hiring a personal injury attorney to help you with your personal injury claim. Here’s a quick overview of what an attorney can do for you and how they fit into your personal injury compensation claim.

Explain You Your Rights

Hiring a Tampa personal injury attorney will help you ensure you understand your rights. Not only are they likely to have worked on cases similar to yours, but they know local laws and regulations, and can walk you through the entire personal injury claim settlement process, step by step.

Provide Advice

Going into a personal injury claim without lawyers is generally a bad idea. Keep in mind that the insurance companies will be represented by entire legal teams, and their only goal is to get you to accept the least amount of money possible. An attorney will help you assess your chances and how much your case is worth to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

Collect Evidence

Proving someone was negligent can be tricky and even if you’re sure you did nothing right, a lawyer will help you gather the right evidence, locate and interview witnesses, review insurance policies, speak to your doctors and put together medical evidence that will get you full compensation.

Represent You in Court

While most settlement cases don’t go to court, you want someone experienced enough not to be scared of taking your case to court if necessary. Not only that, but the insurance companies are far more likely to take you more seriously if you’re represented by a lawyer.

Connect with Experts

Another benefit of hiring a Tampa personal injury lawyer is their potential connections. Experienced attorneys already have a network of expert witnesses that can help you prove negligence and win your case.

Handle Insurance Companies for You

It’s crucial you keep in mind that you’re not obligated to give statements to the insurance company of the person at fault. In fact, you’ll want to make sure you hire a personal attorney to handle insurance companies on your behalf to make sure you don’t say something they might end up using against you.

The Law Office of Dan Zohar P.A. is here to help answer your questions and give you the information you need. This is how knowing the role of a personal injury lawyer in a case can benefit your outcome.