Florida State Law on Seeking Medical Attention After a Car Accident


Do I need to seek medical attention after a car accident? Florida is one of the no-fault states, which means insurance companies are required to provide coverage for all your medical expenses, lost wages, and other expenses that occur as a result of being injured in car accidents. The minimum coverage that you must purchase is $10,000, but it’s important to keep in mind that some car accident injuries might not qualify for full $10,000 payout.

No-Fault Explained Seeking Medical Attention After a Car Accident

The Personal Injury Protection (PIP), or no-fault is a system devised to reduce personal injury litigation. This means that negligent driver that would otherwise be responsible for damages are exempt from tort liability. If the insurance company doesn’t pay for those damages, it’s only then possible for the person that sustained auto accident injuries can bring a personal injury lawsuit.

What Is the 14-Day Rule?

When it comes to Tampa car accidents, you are required to seek medical attention within 14 days, or you might have your insurance company deny your personal injury compensation claim. As long as you obtain necessary medical care, your insurance provider must cover at least 80% of your medical care.

Who Is an Eligible Healthcare Provider?

Car crash injuries can vary from back pain and whiplash to more serious injuries like brain injury or spinal cord injuries. Some injuries might not be obvious at the scene of the accident. Instead, the symptoms can appear even 24 to 48  hours after the accident, so you’ll want to seek medical attention even if you don’t think you’ve been injured. You’ve got 14 days to seek from an eligible healthcare provider. But who qualifies as an eligible provider?

The most obvious answer is the emergency room. However, with injuries that become apparent later on and don’t require immediate medical attention, you can also receive treatment from a licensed physician, dentist or chiropractor. The healthcare provider who initially treats you can also transfer you to another provider for follow-up care. These expenses might also be covered by your policy. It’s best advised you consult your insurance provider and check who are eligible healthcare providers covered by your policy.

Why Does the 14-Day Rule Exist?

There are a few valid reasons why the 14-day rule exists. Its first goal is to prevent fraud. An example of this would be if you were in an accident, but then hurt your back while playing basketball a month later and tried to blame the accident for the new injury. Prompt medical attention is the best way to diagnose an injury accurately and determine causes.

Another reason for this rule is to avoid exacerbated costs. If you don’t seek medical attention right away, you can end up making the injury worse, which is more than likely to increase the medical expenses.

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